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DateTaskAdded byAssigned toExpected doneLevelStatusLocationType
2024-11-12 No connection to T1 guide camera Mads Duncan 2024-11-14 Urgent Being handled MtKent Online
2023-07-11 Database problems on central Mads Mads 2024-09-25 Urgent Being handled Aarhus Online
2024-05-27 Dome 1 did not close (despite clouds) Hans Kjeldsen, AU Mads 2024-05-28 Important Being handled MtKent None
2022-02-01 Move all code to git Mads Mads 2022-05-01 Important Being handled MtKent Offline
2025-01-15 Weather data is not being updated (for days now) Karsten Jack Critical Waiting MtKent None
2025-01-09 Power failure - Circuit breaker flips (labeled UPS in). See attached image. Mads, Rosa (support ast) Pere 2025-01-21 Critical Waiting Tenerife Offline
2025-01-27 Weather data has not updated since yesterday Karsten Duncan Urgent Waiting MtKent None
2025-01-14 Telescope is open, but nothing seens to be observed... pointing model problen...? Frank Grundahl Mads Urgent Waiting Tenerife None
2024-09-10 Looking at the slit-guider image, betaAql was way off the slit and appears de-focused. Watching for several minutes the image seem to update, but without any pointing or focus corrections. Frank Grundahl Mads Important Waiting Tenerife None
2024-11-21 Weather data not updated since about 00:10 local Mount Kent time (15:10 DK time) Karsten Jack Important Waiting MtKent None
2024-10-30 There appears to be a problem with observation of beta Hyi where star seems to be defocused (see attached image). The overview plot of the observation also lacks flux. Jonatan Rudrasingam Important Waiting MtKent None
2024-06-09 The telescope stopped and is now idle. Will email before I close down Hans Kjeldsen Mads Important Waiting MtKent None
2024-06-17 At the start of the night the acquisition of the first target (HD109358) failed ~10 times, resulting in many inserted ORs. There seem to be a problem with the pointing model or focus guess. Frank Grundahl Mads Important Waiting Tenerife None
2016-08-06 All warnings, errors and events from the TSI should be inserted into the log and send by e-mail Mads Mads Important Waiting Tenerife
2022-04-20 Set up UPS in the FUT to set warning when power is lost Jack Soutter Jack Important Waiting MtKent Need confirmation
2022-06-29 Add a pole to building B where we can mount a web camera and the future weather station Mads Duncan Important Waiting MtKent Offline
2024-06-09 T2 seems off target… several degrees Hans Kjeldsen Mads Important Waiting all None
2024-10-19 3 active commands (3 aktive kommandoer) in the FUT log. Camera controls blocked on the web control panel. Restart of camera and controller without effect. Clear entries in database? Not sure if this happens automatically after some time. Also teach Karsten how to do this. Thanks. Karsten Mads 2024-10-21 Important Waiting MtKent None
2024-06-23 Aquistion gone 'rampage' --- two first targets ok - then a lot of inserts of HD185144 ... apparently not acquired, although it was just observed ... I saw it on the guider... then keeps inserting more ORs of HD185144.... Frank Grundahl Mads Important Waiting Tenerife None
2025-02-03 IThe monitor hangs after errors in Astelco that cannot be cleared. This is possibly due to a bad switch, as reported by Pere on Saturday ... I have labeled the importance level to 'Important' since Mads is also contacted via mail.... :-) Frank Grundahl Important Waiting Tenerife None
2024-10-23 T1 monitor crashed. This happen after an observed star came under the telescope altitude limit (low object). This appear to be the same problem which happen on 18th October. Jonatan Rudrasingam Mads Important Waiting MtKent None
2024-10-30 There appears to be a problem with observation of beta Hyi where star seems to be defocused (see attached image). The overview plot of the observation also lacks flux. Jonatan Rudrasingam Important Waiting MtKent None
2024-09-29 Very few observations during the night - despite good weather - No errors reported. It seems that only one target was observed, with flux. Frank Grundahl Mads Time Worthy Waiting Tenerife None
2024-07-11 I observed two things as watcher... 1. the telescope did not observe any targets for a period of time near the end of the night, although dome was open and weather was OK. 2. 15 minutes later I lost contact to the webpage and could not even see the Watchman-site and in case of emergency therefore no close the telescope (or call.. since info. on actions is on the webside). The webside was active again 15 minutes later and nothing went wrong and I did not needed to perform any actions. Hans Kjeldsen, AU Mads Time Worthy Waiting MtKent None
2024-11-12 Connection to the T1 Monitor was lost around 23 local time. Got an error message about "T1 monitor deamon is hanging somewhere". Activated shutdown. Jonatan Rudrasingam Time Worthy Waiting MtKent Need confirmation
2024-10-18 Connection to the T1 Monitor was lost around 5:00 local time. Encoder set is no. Overall obs state is 174. Global state is 0. Woke up (around 45 minutes later) and noticed this. Took the watchman shift and activated shutdown. Jonatan Rudrasingam Time Worthy Waiting MtKent None
2015-06-02 Add user login for the management pages Mads Mads Time Worthy Waiting Aarhus
2022-06-17 Motor 4 (on the calibrations table) reports not stopping and therefore does not run Mads Duncan 2022-06-22 Critical Done MtKent
2015-06-10 TCI computer not responding is not handled correctly by the monitor Mads Mads Critical Done Tenerife
2015-07-07 The monitor hung. related to the tsi on the astelco machine. Mads Mads Critical Done Tenerife
2023-02-03 Davis weather station data updates only sporadicly with to to an hour between new data Mads Jack 2023-02-04 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2023-03-15 PWI2 cannot run on tel-com for Telescope 2 - access denied error on screen Mads Jack 2023-03-15 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2022-11-28 Davis weather data not being updated - only sporadic data points Mads Jack 2022-11-28 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2023-01-03 Boltwood cloud sensor not responding... Mads Antonio 2023-01-07 Critical Done Tenerife Offline
2023-09-13 Weather data not updated for about 2 hours now Mads Jack 2023-09-14 Critical Done MtKent None
2023-02-28 No connection to the FUT site. Mads, Rasmus Jack 2023-03-03 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2023-01-24 The slit motor is stuck again - This is a seriously bad issue!!! Mads Mads 2023-04-14 Critical Done Tenerife Offline
2015-05-26 template script failed Mads Mads Critical Done Tenerife
2022-05-04 Weather data very unstable and completely failing from 22 local time (to now 2:30 local time). No observations can be executed with either the FUT or SONG without weather data. Mads Duncan 2022-05-06 Critical Done MtKent
2023-05-24 Slony did not replicate the tel_dome table to Aarhus (central). This made the FUT unusable with no status updates. Mads Mads 2023-05-24 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2022-04-15 The slit guider had problems from 22:15 UTC Mads Mads 2022-04-15 Critical Done Tenerife
2022-10-07 No weather data from the Davis sensor Mads Jack 2022-10-10 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2023-09-11 Slit guide camera not detectable (usb) Mads Antonio 2023-10-04 Critical Done Tenerife Online
2023-01-06 Late in the night the spectrograph slit motor reported not stopping. Mads Mads 2023-01-06 Critical Done Tenerife Online
2023-06-28 SONG dome 1 did not close correctly (reported closed but could be seen a bit open on web camera) Mads Jack 2023-06-29 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2022-07-13 No network connection to MtKent Mads Mads 2022-07-15 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2023-02-23 IO on server very slow and builds up over time. Affects both SONG and FUT Mads, Rasmus Mads 2023-04-01 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2022-07-17 Files with weather data does not get updated since 2022-07-16 9:15 local time Mads Jack 2022-07-29 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2022-09-01 Telescope slew suddently very fast during tuning process and possibly hit the hardstop rocker. Afterwards it had trouble moving past the rocker Mads Duncan 2022-09-07 Critical Done MtKent Need confirmation
2022-02-02 Comm board to dome 2 Mads Jack 2022-02-03 Critical Done MtKent
2023-01-17 The slit motor is stuck - This is a seriously bad issue!!! Mads Mads 2023-01-20 Critical Done Tenerife Need confirmation
2023-03-27 OpenVPN CRL certificate expired Mads Mads 2023-04-28 Critical Done Aarhus Offline
2024-02-01 Thorium Argon lamp controller reporting faults Mads Mads 2024-02-07 Critical Done Tenerife Offline
2022-03-21 No connection from server to CMOS detector in the spectrograph. On-site check of USB connection needed. Mads Duncan 2022-03-24 Critical Done MtKent
2022-03-16 PWI4 reporting error when trying to connect to the telescope - Axis 0 communication channel not found. Is the device plugged in and turned on? - Mads, Karsten Jack 2022-03-25 Critical Done MtKent
2022-04-17 Weather data from the DAVIS sensor has not been updated since around 8 o'clock local time (almost 10 hours ago). Mads Jack 2022-04-19 Critical Done MtKent
2022-04-12 Lost connection to FUT telescope. Cannot reach computers or web-cam in dome, so either local power or local connection is problem Karsten Jack 2022-04-19 Critical Done MtKent
2022-02-21 FUT CMOS seems to be connected to a USB2 plug in stead of USB3 after the reinstall. Mads Jack 2022-03-15 Critical Done MtKent
2022-02-17 Reinstall FUT CMOS Mads Jack 2022-02-18 Critical Done MtKent
2022-06-13 openVPN stopped working... no login to any machines using vpn Mads Mads 2022-11-22 Critical Done Aarhus
2022-02-01 Dome 2 reporting garbage characters on the serial line interface Mads Mads 2022-03-16 Critical Done MtKent
2023-04-19 Electrical testing on site tomorrow - shut down of equipment prior Mads Mads 2023-05-25 Critical Done MtKent Online
2022-03-15 ThAr controller seems broken Frank, Jack, Duncan Jack 2022-04-22 Critical Done MtKent
2016-06-05 Slony not working Mads Eric Weiss Critical Done Aarhus
2023-10-06 Network issue after electrical tests Mads, Jack Mads 2023-10-13 Critical Done MtKent Need confirmation
2015-06-10 Erics mail server had hardware problems Mads Eric Weiss Critical Done Tenerife
2015-06-15 Restart the TSI on the astelco machine to get new license in use. Mads Mads Critical Done Tenerife
2022-12-12 Power failure at the observatory. A number of issues: main server did not boot up. Later no connection to the weather station board Mads Mads 2022-12-12 Critical Done Tenerife None
2022-07-17 No connection to the FUT system in dome 3. Indicates no power or no network connection to the units in the dome. Maybe the UPS needs power on? Mads Duncan 2022-07-19 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2023-08-28 SONG dome 1 not closed even though it reports to be Mads Duncan 2023-09-05 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2016-10-11 SONG postgreSQL database is extremely slow and tenerife data in the central database cannot be used for monitoring the system at the moment. Mads Eric Weiss Critical Done Tenerife
2022-06-26 Calibration slide motor reports - not stopping - again Mads Mads 2022-06-29 Critical Done MtKent Need confirmation
2022-10-09 update of weather-data VERY slow, too slow to allow remote observing. Please fix Karsten Jack 2022-10-12 Critical Done MtKent None
2023-08-14 No network connection to SONG or FUT at MtKent since 2:38 UTC Mads Jack 2023-10-04 Critical Done MtKent Offline
2016-06-10 Hexapod not always placed correctly after startup... most likely caused by errors or warnings in the startup procedure Mads Mads Critical Done Tenerife
2016-02-10 Increase the accepted offset between dome and telescope to 10 degrees. Too many power cycles now. Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2022-05-13 Slony was not replicating from Tenerife to Aarhus. Was hanging on something in relation to the house_hold data (temperatures). Mads Mads 2022-05-17 Urgent Done Aarhus
2023-12-12 Temperature in spec. room too high Frank Grundahl Jack 2024-04-25 Urgent Done MtKent None
2023-12-09 No weather station data since 07:51 UTC Mads Jack 2023-12-10 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2024-05-27 No connection to anything in the FUT dome including the dome webcamera. Previous events like this were due to no power to the FUT dome. Karsten Jack 2024-11-14 Urgent Done MtKent None
2023-10-02 No connection to SONG and FUT domes (tel-coms, dome, telescope, webcams etc) Mads Jack 2023-10-02 Urgent Done MtKent Online
2023-01-08 Saving spectre to disk is slow.... takes about 13-15 seconds in the SaveAsFITS function of the Andor SDK Mads Mads 2023-06-29 Urgent Done Tenerife Offline
2023-03-30 Door open in Dome 1? Mads Jack 2023-03-31 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2022-04-24 No Boltwood data since 13 local time. Weather data very unstable lately Mads Jack 2022-04-25 Urgent Done MtKent
2024-07-23 No connection to FUT CMOS detector. I get the error "Could not connect to the camera." for any attempted operation with the camera. Have tried to turn off, wait, and the on again without any effect. Could you try to de- and re-attach the usb connectors and test the usb connection? Let me know when if you need me at the other end for troubleshooting. Thanks Karsten Mads 2024-07-29 Urgent Done MtKent None
2023-03-14 The mircowave link to Mt Kent is down. Jack Soutter Jack 2023-03-15 Urgent Done MtKent None
2023-01-06 Calibrations did not finish in time when observations could start Mads Mads 2023-01-20 Urgent Done Tenerife Offline
2016-01-29 Connection lost to ai51 drive Jens Jessen-Hansen Eric Weiss Urgent Done Aarhus
2015-06-20 srf hangs because of vis_plot_generator executed many times Mads Mads Urgent Done Aarhus
2015-05-28 Memory leak in daily calibration daemon Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2022-02-04 SONG webserver upgrade Rasmus Mads 2022-05-15 Urgent Done Aarhus
2023-10-05 Reoccurring electrical instalations check - scheduled power failures Mads Mads 2023-10-13 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2023-08-24 UPS battery of SONG UPS is getting low in capacity Mads Antonio 2023-11-14 Urgent Done Tenerife Need confirmation
2016-02-19 Single spectrum reduction script for RPC client. Callable from python script. Mads Jens Jessen-Hansen Urgent Done Tenerife
2023-11-23 No connection to the FUT dome, telescope, computers etc Mads Jack 2023-11-24 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2016-08-05 Make sure that project_id equal zero is possible from web interface. Mads Mads Urgent Done Aarhus
2015-12-17 Scheduler hangs.... Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2015-05-29 Free disk space on ss3n1 Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2015-05-31 wrong handling of frozen Wind sensor. Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2022-06-23 Cannot connect to the SONG external web camera Mads Mads 2022-07-01 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2015-11-11 Temperature monitor of the 16 sensors stopped working Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2015-09-30 FATAL number of clients on database... central Mads Eric Weiss Urgent Done Aarhus
2022-03-15 Tel-com for SONG T2 was too often hanging Mads, Jack Jack 2022-04-07 Urgent Done MtKent
2015-09-21 OR must be stopped if the monitor moves the telescope because of high wind Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2024-02-05 Guide camera on telescope 1 is not responding correctly. Mads Jack 2024-11-14 Urgent Done MtKent Online
2015-08-01 Free disk space on ss3n1 scratch Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2024-02-09 No connection to anything in FUT Dome. Perhaps no power? Seem to recall something about a breaker switch separate for the FUT Dome in previous similar situation. I send this on behalf of Mads, who is going on vacation. Karsten Jack 2024-02-15 Urgent Done MtKent None
2015-06-12 Modify the OR scripts to prevent too much overhead. Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2023-12-04 No connection to the FUT dome and everything inside Mads Jack 2023-12-05 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2022-02-15 Bug - log entry which should be added as task does not get entered. Mads Mads 2022-02-15 Urgent Done Aarhus
2023-03-10 Boltwood data is not updated/provided Mads Jack 2023-03-15 Urgent Done MtKent Need confirmation
2022-05-15 New pointing model needed Mads Mads 2022-05-16 Urgent Done Tenerife
2023-11-09 No connection to dome 2 and the FUT dome Mads Mads 2023-11-09 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2015-05-23 check update of or status in observing script Mads Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2023-03-19 FUT commands from the web interface does not get propogated to MtKent Mads Rasmus 2023-03-29 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2022-03-16 Updated the technical log interface to be more specific and to send out e-mails to defined group according to site Mads Mads 2022-03-21 Urgent Done Tenerife
2022-03-21 Send mails to list in stead of individual Mads Mads 2022-03-21 Urgent Done Aarhus
2022-03-16 Web cam one pointing down to the ground. Mount must have come loose because of the ice Mads Mads 2022-03-30 Urgent Done Tenerife
2015-12-01 Telescope power error is not acknowledged by monitor Mads Urgent Done Tenerife
2023-01-06 T1 did not finish homing Mads Jack 2023-01-18 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2023-02-25 Weather station had issues after bad weather. Mads Mads 2023-02-25 Urgent Done Tenerife Offline
2022-05-19 Check light from ThAr lamp - It seems there is no light on the ThAr frames again. Could you check that there is light coming from the lamp...... if so, then it likely does not hit the fiber on the calib. table properly Frank Frank 2022-07-14 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2024-07-29 No connection to SONG Tel-Com 1. The telescope control computer is not reachable on the network Mads Jack 2024-11-14 Urgent Done MtKent Offline
2016-01-09 Send out the content of a log evnt to all SONG members Mads Mads Urgent Done Aarhus
2023-07-26 The telescope could not acquire targets - None hit the acquisition field. beta Aql was close. Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-08-07 Important Done Tenerife None
2022-02-02 Ingest data from mid-December to mid-January into SONG Archive (backlog) Rasmus Rasmus 2022-02-04 Important Done Aarhus
2022-06-01 Telescope control software reports bad UPS battery. Might need to be replaced soon - we can observe with this warning! Mads Mads 2022-11-22 Important Done Tenerife
2015-07-07 Free disk space on scratch Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2015-07-20 Cleaning of scratch on ss3n1 Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2022-04-27 Seems like there is bugs inside the FUT system - might be very close to the CMOS. Mads Jack 2022-05-25 Important Done MtKent
2016-04-05 Fixed webcams 1 and 5 connections Antonio and Pere IAC technians Important Done Tenerife
2015-08-03 Free disk space on ss3n1 scratch Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2016-01-19 Send e-mail when the STELLA dust sensor sets out Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2022-03-17 FUT calibrations does not set a heartbeat flag when executed manually Mads Mads 2022-03-18 Important Done Aarhus
2022-08-28 Outside webcamera images not available? Noticed at 12.52 local Mt. Kent time Karsten Jack 2022-08-30 Important Done MtKent None
2015-09-17 Add proper motion to calculation of barycentric correction in ccd header Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2015-10-07 Add check on o-star to scheduler for template observations Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2022-05-19 Fix problem: FUT CMOS Daemon crashing when doing a long series of images with very short exposures. Also, for short exposures, make it such that every 10th or so image updates in the preview in order not to observe blindly due to no updates of image. Karsten Mads 2022-05-20 Important Done MtKent
2022-03-29 Change protocol for motors communication from Pyro to xmlrpc Mads Mads 2022-03-30 Important Done MtKent
2016-05-23 Weather cleared up, but the dome did not open. René Mads Important Done Tenerife
2022-02-01 TEST of task system Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2022-10-09 Slit guider and observingscript were hanging fromsunset to 5:00 UTC Mads Mads 2022-11-22 Important Done Tenerife Need confirmation
2022-03-15 Slit illumination seems off - origin unknown Frank, Duncan, Mads Frank 2022-04-31 Important Done MtKent Offline
2022-11-01 Weather data stopped updating (again). Please fix ASAP. Observer waiting. Karsten Jack 2022-11-02 Important Done MtKent None
2015-06-05 Send sms if no ORs are inserted when night starts. Scheduler or Monitor.... Monitor I guess! Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2015-05-29 Update LI observer web page with wishes from Jesper Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2015-05-22 Upgrade template script Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2022-10-24 We lost internet connection to Mount Kent for about 25 minutes. End user reported having seen lightning on web-cam prior to incident. Connection came back and Karsten restarted the controller (but it was not hanging). There are now two active commands in the database that needs to be cleared. I do not know how to do that. Karsten Mads 2022-10-25 Important Done MtKent None
2016-01-25 SONG Data Archive Mads Rasmus Handberg Important Done Aarhus
2016-01-20 Connect the technical log page to the task page Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2022-08-01 Karsten forgot that calibrations run at 20:00 DK time friday and did not end his observations before that time. A time series of observations were therefore running with the dome open when the automatic calibrations started. Thus, the dome was open and the telescope pointed in a wrong direction while the calibrations were taken, and the calibrations are therefore in error and of no use (Weather closed the dome and Karsten stopped telescope tracking and parked the telescope through vncviewer when he realised what happened). We need to make sure that the calibration files from this night are not use to reduce science observations. Also, the calibration script could be improved to make sure that the dome is closed and telescope parked before calibration files are obtained. FUrthermore, it should not be possible to schedule an observing block at the time calibrations run. Karsten Mads 2022-11-22 Important Done MtKent None
2015-08-06 Update sigu guide target Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2016-02-16 Add solar observations to be observed using the scheduler Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2015-10-09 Add backup program to observe if acq fails or wind only allows in other direction Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2015-09-07 Test of Chinese telescope software Mads Mads Important Done ch
2016-03-22 Current AsTelOS license will expire on March 31st 2016 René Frank Grundahl Important Done Aarhus
2016-09-18 Incorrect system time on servers (srf, sscentral and songhp) Rene Eric Weiss Important Done Aarhus
2015-07-08 Add image cache thing for the check OR web page Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2016-01-25 Fix SONGwriter BIAS loading issue when many BIAS frames (>120) are taken during one night Jens Jessen-Hansen Jens Jessen-Hansen Important Done Aarhus
2016-01-27 Tasks were not inserted from the "Insert log event" page. Anonymous Mads Important Done Aarhus
2016-01-21 Add search facility in tasks and logs Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2016-02-06 Add a check om waiting ors if acq fails. If ors waiting in other AZ dir and nummer og exposures are low try next. Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2016-09-28 Upgrade the obs_script to be even more cleaver... It should check what will be observed next and what was observed previously to uptimize overhead time. Mads Mads Important Done Tenerife
2015-07-22 all web images must have a cache workaround Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2015-11-08 Fix phone app remote control... zd, az offsets Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2015-12-17 Make a deamon checker on sscentral to check if things are running on hw Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2016-01-26 Create outreach OR insertion web interface Mads Mads Important Done Aarhus
2022-06-06 T1 shows error message on Remote Desktop - screenshot sent to Mads. Frank Mads 2022-06-08 Important Done Tenerife
2022-11-25 No connection to the slit guider PC. Juan was contacted and LED's was on but still no connection. Cables where checked. Mads, Pere, Juan Antonio 2023-05-14 Important Done Tenerife Need confirmation
2022-08-28 Outside webcamera images not available? Noticed at 12.52 local Mt. Kent time Karsten Jack 2023-10-04 Important Done MtKent None
2022-08-16 The spectrograph only has calibration light for one fiber. Cause unknown, but first test is to check whether the calibration shutters are in 'remote' mode. Please check this for both domes, and make sure both are enabled, in case they are not. We still get starlight from both telescopes, so it's strictly a 'calibration issue'. Frank Grundahl Jack 2022-08-18 Important Done MtKent Offline
2023-06-29 Bug/spider inside Pre-slit-table Mads Antonio 2023-07-03 Important Done Tenerife Online
2023-06-25 No observations this night - was in bed early, so did not see... Not sure about the cause: monitor.log reports problems with dome-telescope misalignment , and the or_scheduler.log seems to suggest that the (guide?) camera was not ready. I do not know how to re-start the camera. Frank Mads 2023-07-26 Important Done Tenerife None
2023-07-01 The star does not hit the slit Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-07-05 Important Done Tenerife None
2023-08-01 'Monitor Hangs' problem, reported by SMS this morning. Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-08-07 Important Done Tenerife None
2023-07-23 The observations seem to stop - and T2 guiding image not updated. Seems like and OR that did not finish, and ThAr lamp was not turned of. Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-08-07 Important Done MtKent None
2023-10-02 There seem to be no connection to the site - sstenerife and the 'obs' pages cannot be contacted. When trying to get the 'Observer' page up an error messageConnection timed out Is the server running on host "dbhub.sstenerife.prv" occurs which says: Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-10-03 Important Done Tenerife None
2023-10-26 Observations stopped due to 'some' critical condition. It seems that the status from PWI for alt and az does not match the OBS pages, not the web cameras. Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-10-26 Important Done MtKent None
2023-12-03 Observations does not seem to be carried out - telescope can point, but does not seem to start observations Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-12-03 Important Done Tenerife None
2023-10-25 The aircondition in the spectrograph room seem to go 'bananas' resulting in a dramatic temperature increase in the room Frank Grundahl Jack 2024-04-25 Important Done MtKent Need confirmation
2023-12-12 Observations did not start after sunset, and the weather is fine. Fran Mads 2023-12-12 Important Done Tenerife None
2024-02-01 No connection to FUT CMOS detector Mads Jack 2024-02-06 Important Done MtKent Offline
2024-01-29 There seem to be a problem with the slit-guider. Frank Grundahl Mads 2024-01-29 Important Done Tenerife None
2024-06-15 Observations did not start after sunset, and the weather is fine. The Or_scheduler log says the monitor has not prepared the telescopes for observations. Frank Grundahl Mads 2024-06-15 Important Done MtKent None
2023-10-18 Observations stopped due to 'some' critical condition Frank Grundahl Mads 2023-10-23 Important Done MtKent None
2024-04-02 The dome did not close correctly in the morning Mads Antonio 2024-04-25 Important Done Tenerife Offline
2024-06-18 The shutter on T1 does not seem to work - probably not in remote mode. Please go to T1 and press the button to activate remote mode for the shutter. T2 shutter is ok. Frank Grundahl Jack 2024-06-20 Important Done MtKent Need confirmation
2024-07-02 The shutter for T2 is not working - probably not in remote mode. If there is still power connected to the nasmyth unit on T2, please put the shutter in remote mode, next time you are at Mt. Kent - in this way we can run calibs in the normal way, which makes life, and data reduction, easier :-) Frank Grundahl Jack 2024-07-05 Important Done MtKent Need confirmation
2024-02-07 Most of the night lost because of hanging QHY600 CMOS detector Mads Mads 2024-04-02 Important Done Tenerife None
2024-03-12 T1 guider with new USB extender reports error (ASI_ERROR_TIMEOUT) Mads Jack 2024-11-14 Important Done MtKent Online
2015-05-22 Create SONG task database with web interface Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Aarhus
2016-01-21 Add automatic emailing to SONG technical task page Jens Jessen-Hansen Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2015-06-13 Allow a spectrum to be finished 1-3 minutes after the sun is above -6 degrees at the end of the night Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2016-12-10 Dust sensor showed 0.0, but stella webpage was reporting values... and 'dust_server -t' did not exist as command. Frank mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2024-04-18 After coming home for dinner, no one on watch, so took it. Monitor was not running, so started it .... after ~10min things started, but monitor stopped itself, tried to restart, but it stopped again. The 'client_abort_acq' did not work, so stopped or_scheduler. Then tried to close the hatch and dome ... the hatch closed, but when the upper hatch closed I could see the lower hatch was not closed properly, despite Astelos reporting it closed ... so opened the uper/lower hatces agin... then the telescope slewed to a new objece (despite the monitor was not running!): ... then I closed the lower and uppper hatch, parked the telescope ... during which the 'both-limits-active' ocurred.. and then the telescope powered off.... Not sure what all the reasons for this are, but guessing perhaps the new(?) monitor. Frank Grundahl Mads 2024-04-19 Time Worthy Done Tenerife None
2022-09-02 It is raining today, and water comes in two places along the floor in FUT dome, and in "hole" in SONG2 DOME. SONG1 DOME is dry Karsten Jack 2022-09-09 Time Worthy Done MtKent None
2023-07-03 Web cam 5 at tower has been moved Mads Antonio 2023-10-04 Time Worthy Done Tenerife Offline
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Jack 2024-11-14 Time Worthy Done MtKent Offline
2015-09-15 Correct the skycam code to not run loop when ongoing movie and other exposure is acquring Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2016-05-19 Dome in infinite rotation (it seems) Frank mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2015-08-01 SONG web cam 1 not working Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Jack 2024-11-14 Time Worthy Done MtKent Offline
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Jack 2024-11-14 Time Worthy Done MtKent Offline
2015-07-14 sms about ORs when monitor restarts later on. Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2016-02-19 Correct mail text for generated email for new tasks assigned to persons. Mads Mads 2022-02-02 Time Worthy Done Aarhus
2016-01-21 Add edit possibility to SONG technical management log page Jens Jessen-Hansen Mads Time Worthy Done Aarhus
2015-05-22 Abort function for spec. observations that stoppes after ongoing spectrum. Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2015-09-07 Web pages for Chinese weather and temperature data Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Aarhus
2015-11-06 Add heartbeat to all deamons Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2016-01-31 Add aarhus technical log and add posibility to NOT send out notifications on new log events. Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Aarhus
2016-01-21 Test of e-mail when assigning tasks to others. Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2015-07-08 Send sms 2 hours before sunset even though the weather is bad Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Jack 2024-11-14 Time Worthy Done MtKent Offline
2016-01-19 Send e-mail if header is not updated correctly from spec_ccd code Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2015-07-08 Add - both limit switch active - message to monitor Mads Mads Time Worthy Done Tenerife
2015-05-22 SMS handling where one is informed before going to the next. Mads Mads 2022-03-16 Insignificant Done Aarhus
2015-05-22 Change how ORs are shown in daily status page Mads Mads Insignificant Done Aarhus
2015-07-20 Make new Pointing Model Mads Mads Urgent Dropped Tenerife
2015-05-25 Default firewall settings for virtualisation networks. eric 2022-11-22 Important Dropped Aarhus
2022-03-20 Monitor was hanging because of hanging TCS connection. Mads Mads 2022-04-30 Important Dropped Tenerife
2016-08-07 SONGwriter crashes Mads Jens Jessen-Hansen Important Dropped Tenerife
2022-03-17 All sky camera shows an all black image at all times. Time on image changes so it is not stalled. Did Jack mention something about ants in this relation?? Please investigate. Karsten Jack 2022-07-29 Important Dropped MtKent Offline
2016-02-04 Reduced spectra from 2014-11-11 show weird emission like noise. The simple reduced and old reduced data does not show all the same things. Ditte Slumstrup Jens Jessen-Hansen Important Dropped Aarhus
2015-08-13 Determine a scheme for user access to data in sosoc Mads Mads Important Dropped Aarhus
2015-05-22 Fix problem with barycentric velocity correction in the iodine code Frank Mads 2024-04-25 Important Dropped Aarhus
2022-04-27 One of the filterwheels seems to not be moving Mads Jack 2024-12-25 Important Dropped MtKent Online
2022-03-15 Temperature controller malfunctioning Mads Mads 2023-06-29 Important Dropped MtKent Need confirmation
2016-01-29 Create a complete User Interface for manual telescope control - instead of AsTelOS Mads Mads Time Worthy Dropped Tenerife
2015-05-22 Add s_guiding and p_guiding to spectrographic fits header Mads Mads 2022-02-02 Time Worthy Dropped Tenerife
2015-07-06 Add something about acquisition failure and guide images to the manual Mads Mads 2022-02-02 Time Worthy Dropped Tenerife
2015-05-22 Develop software to do proper skycam photometry Mads Mads Time Worthy Dropped Tenerife
2022-07-01 Test of the added fields for adding tasks Mads Mads 2022-11-22 Insignificant Dropped Tenerife Online
2015-05-22 TCS: More sockets and ports (hierarki), split commands between them. Mads Mads Insignificant Dropped Tenerife
2015-05-22 Movie maker website - choose between webcams. Mads Mads 2024-04-25 Insignificant Dropped Tenerife
2015-05-22 Make web site for SONG members with presentations Mads 2022-03-16 Insignificant Dropped Aarhus