SONG technical management tasks page

Details of SONG task
Insertion dateTaskResponsibleLevel
2022-08-01 Karsten forgot that calibrations run at 20:00 DK time friday and did not end his observations before that time. A time series of observations were therefore running with the dome open when the automatic calibrations started. Thus, the dome was open and the telescope pointed in a wrong direction while the calibrations were taken, and the calibrations are therefore in error and of no use (Weather closed the dome and Karsten stopped telescope tracking and parked the telescope through vncviewer when he realised what happened). We need to make sure that the calibration files from this night are not use to reduce science observations. Also, the calibration script could be improved to make sure that the dome is closed and telescope parked before calibration files are obtained. FUrthermore, it should not be possible to schedule an observing block at the time calibrations run. Karsten Important

Handled dateCommentHandled byTask ID
2022-12-13 2022-12-13 08:18: [Mads]: Measures taken

2022-11-21 19:38: [Mads]: some checks and falgs are now set in the calibration script to prevent this
Mads 141