SONG technical management tasks page

Update status of task:
Description of task:All sky camera shows an all black image at all times. Time on image changes so it is not stalled. Did Jack mention something about ants in this relation?? Please investigate.

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Expected handled on Expected to be handled on? [YYYY-MM-DD]

Old comments:

2022-07-19 09:10: [Duncan]: Just FYI, this issue has slipped in priority due to so many issues coming up because of the power outage. This needs Mathieu, so it will probably be a while before it becomes the highest priority.

2022-07-14 00:34: [Duncan]: Ongoing due to loss of Mathieu's availability. We have another computer and all sky camera. We are working out how to update the shared space where he moved the old camera images to so you could reach them.

2022-06-23 10:16: [Duncan]: The old camera died, and the computer died. New one has been set up and will be configured once the new server work for minerva is finished.

2022-03-24 09:20: [Duncan]: All sky appears to be broken or needing replacement due to ant attack! Alternative will be supplied soon