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DateDescriptionPerson(s)Hardware GroupAction performedAttachmentEditSiteTask(?)
2025-03-03 Spectre did not contain data Mads Detector Noticed that the preview images did not get updated and found out that the QHY detector did not work as it should and did not readout data. After a power cycle and restart of software it seems to have recovered. None Edit MtKent
2025-01-27 Weather data has not updated since yesterday Karsten None Edit MtKent 240
2024-11-21 Weather data not updated since about 00:10 local Mount Kent time (15:10 DK time) Karsten None Edit MtKent 236
2024-11-12 Connection to the T1 Monitor was lost around 23 local time. Got an error message about "T1 monitor deamon is hanging somewhere". Activated shutdown. Jonatan Rudrasingam T1 monitor Activated shutdown. Added to task None Edit MtKent 235
2024-11-12 No connection to T1 guide camera Mads T1 fibre guider The camera is not seen from the controlling computer in the spectrogragh room. The PC was rebooted which did not help. Maybe the USB cable has come loose somewhere? None Edit MtKent 234
2024-10-30 There appears to be a problem with observation of beta Hyi where star seems to be defocused (see attached image). The overview plot of the observation also lacks flux. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Added it to the task. Contacted Frank and Mads Show Edit MtKent 233
2024-10-30 There appears to be a problem with observation of beta Hyi where star seems to be defocused (see attached image). The overview plot of the observation also lacks flux. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Added it to the task. Contacted Frank and Mads Show Edit MtKent 232
2024-10-23 T1 monitor crashed. This happen after an observed star came under the telescope altitude limit (low object). This appear to be the same problem which happen on 18th October. Update: Connection to the T1 monitor is established, but the connection to the Scheduler is lost (according to the SODA webpage) Update 2: Connection to Scheduler is reestablsihed. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Shutdown initiated until problem can be solved. Added it to the task None Edit MtKent 231
2024-10-18 Connection to the T1 Monitor was lost around 5:00 local time. Encoder set is no. Overall obs state is 174. Global state is 0. Woke up (around 45 minutes later) and noticed this. Took the watchman shift and activated shutdown. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Shutdown initiated until problem can be solved. Added it to the task None Edit MtKent 229
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Shutdown initiated until problem can be solved. Tasked the problem to Jack Soutter Show Edit MtKent 226
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Shutdown initiated until problem can be solved. Tasked the problem to Jack Soutter Show Edit MtKent 227
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Shutdown initiated until problem can be solved. Tasked the problem to Jack Soutter Show Edit MtKent 228
2024-10-11 This morning before observation a T1 monitor daemon is hanging warning occured. Shortly afterwards a homing warning occured. Looking at obs page AZ motors are not enabled, Encoders set is no, Ready state is not ready. Overall obs state is 64. Motion state is on homing. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem. Update: when writing this logbook and after activating shutdown the software on T1 Monitor and the Scheduler is not up to date on the soda webpage. Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Shutdown initiated until problem can be solved. Tasked the problem to Jack Soutter None Edit MtKent 225
2024-10-01 Regular electrical power check Mads All Powered off critical systems yesterday and restarted things today (2024-10-02) None Edit MtKent
2024-09-25 Connection to telescope( Tel-com?) is lost around 12:30 UTC/22:30 local time. Last data was taken around the time. No further data were taken or shown in the obs page. On the SODA webpage the status on the Telescope Power and Telescope Motion are shown as "Error" Jonatan Rudrasingam Telescope Shutdown initiated until problem can be solved. Contacted Mads and Frank via. email. None Edit MtKent
2024-09-07 Iodine cell not heated for about two hours from 16:10 to 18 UTC Mads Iodine cell Heater was re-enabled and started heating again None Edit MtKent
2024-08-22 Observation of beta Aql was stopped due to bad weather (clouds). Dome closed but a T1 shutdown error message occurred even through the dome closed properly. Jonatan Rudrasingam Dome None Edit MtKent
2024-07-29 No connection to SONG Tel-Com 1. The telescope control computer is not reachable on the network Mads Tel-com Tried to power cycled the computer which did not help. On site assistance is needed to investigate the issue. None Edit MtKent 222
2024-07-23 No connection to FUT CMOS detector. I get the error "Could not connect to the camera." for any attempted operation with the camera. Have tried to turn off, wait, and the on again without any effect. Could you try to de- and re-attach the usb connectors and test the usb connection? Let me know when if you need me at the other end for troubleshooting. Thanks Karsten FUT CMOS detector None Edit MtKent 221
2024-07-10 I observed two things as watcher... 1. the telescope did not observe any targets for a period of time near the end of the night, although dome was open and weather was OK. 2. 15 minutes later I lost contact to the webpage and could not even see the Watchman-site and in case of emergency therefore no close the telescope (or call.. since info. on actions is on the webside). The webside was active again 15 minutes later and nothing went wrong and I did not needed to perform any actions. Hans Kjeldsen, AU Telescope nothing - I informed Frank and Mads via SMS None Edit MtKent 220
2024-07-01 The shutter for T2 is not working - probably not in remote mode. If there is still power connected to the nasmyth unit on T2, please put the shutter in remote mode, next time you are at Mt. Kent - in this way we can run calibs in the normal way, which makes life, and data reduction, easier :-) Frank Grundahl Spectrograph 2000 None Edit MtKent 219
2024-06-17 The shutter on T1 does not seem to work - probably not in remote mode. Please go to T1 and press the button to activate remote mode for the shutter. T2 shutter is ok. Frank Grundahl Telescope 2000 None Edit MtKent 217
2024-06-16 T1 dome did not close automatically (at high humidity) and I therefore initiated a full shot down via activating shutdown overwrite. This had no effect and I therefore contacted Frank Grundahl and asked him to check this. Frank managed to close dome 1 such that the telescope is safe. Hans Kjeldsen, AU Telescope I called Frank Grundahl. He will havbe the details and he managed to close down the whole facility. None Edit MtKent
2024-06-15 Observations did not start after sunset, and the weather is fine. The Or_scheduler log says the monitor has not prepared the telescopes for observations. Frank Grundahl T1 and T2 Tried stop/start monitor(s) - did not seem to help. I will keep and eye out and close domes manually if needed. The monitors 'runs as it should' according to the log. None Edit MtKent 215
2024-06-09 The telescope stopped and is now idle. Will email before I close down Hans Kjeldsen Telescope T1 and T2 Email to Frank and Mads. Will close down later. No risk at present. Show Edit MtKent 214
2024-06-05 T1 is not tracking well and drifts off during tracking. Offset is significant and light is not entering the fibre. Hans Kjeldsen, AU Telescope No actions .. weather turned bad after some time. None Edit MtKent
2024-05-27 No connection to anything in the FUT dome including the dome webcamera. Previous events like this were due to no power to the FUT dome. Karsten likely no power to FUT dome None Edit MtKent 211
2024-05-26 Dome 1 did not close (despite clouds) Hans Kjeldsen, AU Dome I contacted Frank and he closed the dome None Edit MtKent 212
2024-01-15 Weather data is not being updated (for days now) Karsten All None Edit MtKent 239