SONG technical management tasks page

Update status of task:
Description of task:Slony did not replicate the tel_dome table to Aarhus (central). This made the FUT unusable with no status updates.

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Expected handled on Expected to be handled on? [YYYY-MM-DD]

Old comments:

2023-05-24 10:11: [Mads]: Stopped slony on central. cleaned the mtkent replication setup using the two dedicated clean scripts (mtkent_mtkent, mtkent_central). Reset the replication scheme using the script slonrep_db_mtkent and started slony again. Then it worked again.

2023-05-24 10:11: [Mads]: Stopped slony and checked no database actions was hanging on the mtkent side. Started slony again but it did not help. Solution given in the dedicated task.