SONG technical management tasks page

Update status of task:
Description of task:Calibrations did not finish in time when observations could start

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Old comments:

2023-06-28 08:57: [Mads]: workaround permanent until new detector is installed.

2023-01-08 12:54: [Mads]: Temporary workaround is to NOT use build-in SaveAsFITS function in the andor SDK and read out raw data and save to home build structure. This reduced save to disk speed to 2 seconds

2023-01-08 11:33: [Mads]: Issue is that it takes around 13 seconds to save fits to the network mounted /scratch

2023-01-07 19:42: [Mads]: Temporary workaround - starting the calibrations around an hour earlier until the issue and cause is found and corrected.

Stopped the observations and waited until calibrations had finished and then started the observations. Investigations (remote) needs to be performed to figure out the issue.